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In the conception and planning phase, cooperation with interested tenants and partners is further refined:


Creation of a functional concept that describes in detail the optimal technical orientation and medical focus of the planned project and thus provides the essential framework for attracting suitable tenants and users. Outpatient and inpatient facilities in the region will be conceptually integrated and special features of outpatient medical care will be worked out on site.

A health centre develops its benefits for the tenants in the use of synergies and the joint care of patients door to door. The distances for the patients become shorter and joint treatment concepts can be developed by the users of the centre. Within this framework, tenants and users will be brought together at the beginning of the project to talk about a common, interdisciplinary use of resources, common administration, services and organisational structures. The individual measures of the desired cooperation will be defined, the organisational, legal and financial framework described and possible approvals and quality assurance regulations identified. If the objectives or framework conditions change in the further course of the project, the concept is jointly adapted.


The creation of the centre model forms the basis for the rental agreement and the provision of the usual services within the framework of construction planning. Within this framework, we pay attention to efficient space and building planning in order to optimally map the desired functions of the health centre. The individual wishes and requirements of the tenants are cast into a structure optimised in terms of function and space, which, despite high construction costs, enables economic advantages and synergies for practical operation.

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